Hellvik Poster

Poster for Personal Trainer Havik Mims!

The Smoking Gun's Escape

Final Ink and rough color for the first of three pages.

And There Was One

This digital painting is for the worldwide LDS Art Competition held last month. It is of the 10 lepers from the New Testament where only one healed leper returned to give thanks to Jesus (St Luke 17). This has reminded me to be grateful for what I have.

Brown's Bulldog having a bite to eat

This picture is for my coworker's father, who loves the Browns and for some reason hates the Steelers. Oh well, love is a fickle thing. I have no loyalty to either team, but seeing how the Brown's mascot treats its rivals, I do have an affinity towards the Browns.

General Conference is this Saturday and Sunday.

 Come listen to living prophets
Thomas S. Monson is our living Prophet here on the Earth that receives revelation directly from Jesus Christ. I know that he is a true prophet and I know that Jesus Christ lives.